Denver Drunk Driver May Be Responsible for Two Musicians’ Deaths

The recent deaths of two Denver musicians have rocked the community, leaving fans and families grieving. Weeks ago, a fatal car crash occurred near South Colorado Boulevard and East Mexico Avenue, killing a 43-year-old man instantly and causing a 29-year-old man to...

2015 Sees Surge in Deadly Traffic Crashes, DOT Reports

Fatal traffic accidents in the U.S have been steadily decreasing since around 2007. For the first time in nearly a decade, however, this trend may be on the upswing, as indicated by initial crash data for the first half of 2015. In fact, authorities at the...

Shocking Facts about Drunk Driving

With the New Year right around the corner, people across the nation – and the world – are getting ready to count down the end of 2015 and ring in 2016. For many, this celebration will involve drinking alcohol, which is why about 10,000 law enforcement agencies...

CO Poisoning Risks Increase in the Wintertime, Warns the CDC

Every year, carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning kills at least 430 people and sends at least 20,000 others to hospitals.1 While CO poisoning can happen in nearly any enclosed space, it is far more likely to occur between November and February each year – the...