Practice Areas


Practice Areas

Personal Injury

At the Klibaner Law Firm, we help people who have been injured as a result of another’s careless actions or irresponsible conduct.

Carbon Monoxide Injuries

At the Klibaner Law Firm, we represent victims of carbon monoxide poisoning and families who have lost loved ones to this lethal gas.

Auto Accidents

No matter how safely you drive, someone else’s reckless behavior can leave you with serious injuries.

Trucking Accidents

Anyone who has ever seen an 18-wheeler accident knows that these collisions are the very worst on the road.

Construction Accidents

At the Klibaner Law Firm, we help hard-working Colorado construction workers obtain compensation for their injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

With more than 30 years of experience, the Klibaner Law Firm is committed to representing victims of traumatic brain injury.

Defective Products

At the Klibaner Law Firm, we help people receive fair compensation for injuries caused by defective products.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Insurance is supposed to be there when you need it. We help policy holders navigate the coverage dispute process.

Wrongful Death

We offer compassionate support and clearheaded guidance whens negligent conduct causes the death of a loved one.

Catastrophic Injury

Although any type of personal injury changes your life, catastrophic injuries change it forever.

Slip and Fall

Every year, thousands of people end up in the hospital due to injuries as a result of a slip and fall accident.